Welcome to The Minery

A blog that contains non-sense stuff delivered by a high school student to your browsers. This blog also contains his adventures, his photologs and other events around the world and in his mind.

Teapot ERROR!

Some guys just come up with this error. Maybe nonsense. One Mocha-Latte please! Sipping wirelessly.

President P-Noy's Action Group!

Haha! They made one! With a brilliant acronym!

New Look! New Posts! Starting May 1!

Within March 2011, we will be modifying the blog to "modern standards" and starting April 1, 2011, new posts will emerge! Stay tuned

Top 57 Comedy Ads

Nice pics, Nice Advertising. I hope this ones shows up in a billboard in EDSA

Archive for December 2010

Contact Me

For asking us some stuff, inquiries, comments, violent reactions and others, feel free to shoot us an email:



HTTP Error 418: I'm a Teapot

Okay, tired of the lame Error 404: File Not Found or the selfish Error 403: Forbidden?

Well, not anymore till I present to you ERROR 418: I'm a teapot.

It started in 1998. I don't have a computer and an internet access then. So, I didn't and you also probably didn't see that error code on your browsers ( assuming you're the same age as mine ).

Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP) described in the RFC 2324 of 1998 memorandum. A 5-page memorandum that talks completely about the HTCPCP and the Error Code 418: I'm a teapot. 

Link: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2324.html

In the RFC memo, the boys just had an introduction:

"There is coffee all over the world. Increasingly, in a world in which
   computing is ubiquitous, the computists want to make coffee. Coffee
   brewing is an art, but the distributed intelligence of the web-
   connected world transcends art.  Thus, there is a strong, dark, rich
   requirement for a protocol designed espressoly for the brewing of
   coffee. Coffee is brewed using coffee pots.  Networked coffee pots
   require a control protocol if they are to be controlled."

At that decade, experiments have started on how they can control an object ( appliance ) thru internet. Status monitors have placed on Coke Vending Machines to monitor their status.

However, the first to be on the internet is the Internet Toaster

An example of a HTCPCP code: ( if you want some additions asked by your barista at Starbucks )

Accept-Additions = "Accept-Additions" ":"
                          #( addition-range [ accept-params ] )

        addition-type   = ( "*"
                          | milk-type
                          | syrup-type
                          | sweetener-type
                          | spice-type
                          | alcohol-type
                          ) *( ";" parameter )
        milk-type       = ( "Cream" | "Half-and-half" | "Whole-milk"
                          | "Part-Skim" | "Skim" | "Non-Dairy" )
        syrup-type      = ( "Vanilla" | "Almond" | "Raspberry"
                          | "Chocolate" )
        alcohol-type    = ( "Whisky" | "Rum" | "Kahlua" | "Aquavit" )

There are also methods introduced for the HTCPCP:

GET method

        in HTTP version: means to retrieve whatever information
        in HTCPCP: The data is associated with coffee pots

WHEN method: Okay, you finish mixing the coffee. But, it's not good. Milk is introduced at this point. Use this method to say WHEN do they stop pouing milk in your coffee.

The HTCPCP has 2 return codes:

HTTP code 406: Not acceptable

        > Automated Coffee pots cannot provide additions

and HTTP/HTCPCP code 418: I'm a teapot

        > Anyone who attempts to brew a coffee on a teapot must be charged with code 418. The teapot is short, stout and made of ceramic man! You cannot brew coffee in there!

The Emacs have the plan to fully implement it, but Mozila's lack of support in the protocol
caused it to have uncontrollable bugs within the protocol.

We could have enjoy this protocol if Mozila supported it.

Some boys are reviving it. Ten years after the publication of 
RFC 2324. A fictional Web-Controlled Coffee Consortium (WC3) published a first draft of " "HTCPCP vocabulary in RDF"

Now you can drink coffee online.


resources: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2324

How to stay your drunken bf/gf aware that is having party at other's place?

Are your bf/gf having party at other's place?

He/She is drunk.

And don't want to get him/her attached to other unknown people?

Okay, here's the situation: Your Girlfriend is having party at a drinking house. She is drunk but she is still able to do things. Then, she told you thru text that an unknown person wants to dance with her.


Then you may want to follow these tips to avoid it.

1. KNOW her hangout for tonight. Obviously .Before she leaves your house or her house, ask her where she's going. As a committed couple, you MUST share information. But still, with limitations; not all. 

By knowing where she will be hanging out, as the one who cannot watch what she will be doing, you can use the answer to find her in case of emergency. Or if you are overprotective that much, you can sneakingly come to that place and watch her. Big Brother Style.

2. ORIENT with her your plan. Make her know that you will be calling or texting regularly to know her condition or status.

3. CONNECT with her friends. Know who she will be hanging out with. Get her companions' number. Use this as an alternative method to know what your girlfriend is currently doing. You don't want to get your girlfriend dancing with others, do you?

4. TEXT HER, like the way you normally do. This is a great way to keep both of you busy, especially the one in the party. If your girlfriend is texting or doing something that'll make her busy, people who'd like to dance with won't bother her much anymore.

Text her some stories, make her describe the place she is hanging out, what she's been drinking or if she is drunk already. These topics may look so overprotective but trust me, these all worth it. For good.

BUT, do remember that your partner is on a party. Do you know what party is? Loud music and electrifying lights. If she didn't reply as expected, she maybe didn't hear the message or call tone. 

5. WATCH OUT. When texting to each other, DO NOT tackle about intimate things (i.e. intimate organs, SoPs and others). This will arouse her to the max especially if she is already drunk. Common sense, man! If she is aroused by the time a guy wants to dance or get her out. She will be favoring the guy who wants her. Therefore, BANG LUCK for that guy.

and you may want to

6. STICK with her. 2 methods I use.

      > Thru text - Okay, the party starts at 9pm. You may want to stick with her thru texting, even the party ends at 5am.

and> Go to the Place - sneakingly go to the party site or club. Sit at a table or chair that is enough you can scope your bf/gf. Just don't get any girl sitting beside you (call girls or club girls). AVOID IT! You have a girlfriend dude! STICK TO ONE not TWO IS BETTER THAN ONE!

FINALLY, it pays off and you have a protected and safe boyfriend or girlfriend when she goes home. VIA SATELLITE! WIRELESSLY!

Final note: This post is my personal view/commentary or tips only. I cannot assure you the full guarantee, fool-proof tips. But some of it will work. Reality-tested.

First Post

FIrst Post to be posted.

Welcome to TheMinery! This will be the future home of some posts regarding home, school, places, commentary, people, tv shows, entertainment, food or pretty much everything you can imagine.

I don't have much to say.

Welcome again.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas


Have a Prosperous and Safe New Year to all

blogging from Manila

About The Author

The author is a simple High School student of some sort of age. He resides in Manila, Philippines with a zip code of 1007. 

He loves to surf the Internet for some stuff. He loves to Facebook, although he doesn't have a Twitter nor Tumblr account.

He started blogging on December 25, 2010. He just wanted to type some content on the web and reach people thru this blog.

He also loves travelling cross-country or abroad. On a budget or when funds permit. He also snap pictures using his 3-year old point and shoot digital camera. Still, it concludes excellent results as far enthusiasts criticized it. He is a beginner. Maybe advanced at Point and Shoot but he is afraid to try out those big, professional dSLRs. He nay not be the best photographer but he enjoys sharing it through this blog.

He wants a Canon 600d, Canon 5d Mark II, Portable audio recorder, lights, external monitor and a high-speed gaming CPU.

He also loves books. He written a book before. 1 chapter with 2 pages, back to back. He wants it to be a script to screen.

He loves Cinematography asides from Photography.

He then loves to play... with little kids.

Look up for inspiration. Look down for desperation.
But never look side by side for information :))

-posted in Manila. December 25, 2010