The author is a simple High School student of some sort of age. He resides in Manila, Philippines with a zip code of 1007.
He loves to surf the Internet for some stuff. He loves to Facebook, although he doesn't have a Twitter nor Tumblr account.
He started blogging on December 25, 2010. He just wanted to type some content on the web and reach people thru this blog.
He also loves travelling cross-country or abroad. On a budget or when funds permit. He also snap pictures using his 3-year old point and shoot digital camera. Still, it concludes excellent results as far enthusiasts criticized it. He is a beginner. Maybe advanced at Point and Shoot but he is afraid to try out those big, professional dSLRs. He nay not be the best photographer but he enjoys sharing it through this blog.
He wants a Canon 600d, Canon 5d Mark II, Portable audio recorder, lights, external monitor and a high-speed gaming CPU.
He also loves books. He written a book before. 1 chapter with 2 pages, back to back. He wants it to be a script to screen.
He loves Cinematography asides from Photography.
He then loves to play... with little kids.
Look up for inspiration. Look down for desperation.
But never look side by side for information :))
-posted in Manila. December 25, 2010
Written by StunnByMe in
About The Author
Student's Box: May Pasok ba o wala?
Today is:
No Classes!,
Summer Classes
or enrollment!
Trivia Box!
(updated every week)
HOTTEST DAY in 2011:
April 26, 2011, 3:55pm @ 36 deg. C
HIGHEST TEMP Recorded in The Philippines:
42.2 deg. C on April 29, 1912 in Tuguegarrao
HIGHEST TEMP recorded in Metro Manila:
38.5 deg.C on May 14, 1987
LOWEST Temp recorded in The Philippines:
6.3 deg. C on Jan 18 1961 in Baguio City
About Me
- StunnByMe
- 15 Year-old Blogger from Manila
Thank you visitors!
Meteorological Center: May Bagyo ba?
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